Thursday, September 21, 2006

21/09/06 - musings about size

Woke up at 10:30am. Read to Sean until 11:15am. I love this morning time together. I want to cherish it while I still can. There's only two weeks to uni, then after that this will probably only happen at the weekends.

11:15am - 2:00pm I did my "morning duties" - checked e-mail, checked on BlogStormz!, got both of us breakfast, started planing our HNT (as it's Thursday), then carried on to update this very blog - as I decided I wanted to start it again. What caused this was my "episode" last night; I don't really know what happened, suffice to say both Sean and I were upset by the end of it. I spent way too much time on the PC this morning, and didn't get lunch done till half two.

Watched TV over lunch. That's another time I really enjoy being with Sean. Another time that'll be severely reduced come the start of uni.

I think I pretty much carried on playing on the computer until around four when Sean decided it was "cuddle time". That's when I mentioned the HNT pic, and within moments he had me naked and tied up. Many, many photos were taken and once Sean was happy he'd taken one he liked he gave me a treat. A BIG treat, if you know what I mean. He kept me tied up, and mounted me from the rear. It kinda hurt, I don't think I was ready for it. There's a part of me that wants to go off and find out just how big he is compared to other men. I wonder if my lack of deep-throating skills and my dislike of anal sex is because he's big. I mean, I can't even handle rough doggy style anymore. I want to be pleasing, I want to take what he wants to give (he's still keen on the anal idea. I've had enough after three tries, even though it was a long time ago) but I don't think I can.

Dinner was a bit of a blunder, but it tasted good. We're planning to be in bed for half 9 and read together until around 10. Early night tonight after last night!

Black Dog attacks - none. Still kinda recovering from the one last night. Still feel a little fragile, and the aches in my tummy (from this afternoon) and in my boobs (from Sean's massive mistreatment of them last night) isn't helping on that front.

Things to do tomorrow
  • Look in the Black Dog book about keeping a diary
  • Read over the rules I've just found
  • Tidy downstairs in peraparation for a weekend party


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