Saturday, September 23, 2006

23/09/06 - Procrastination is my fiend

Last night, after writing the post, I found out that Sean had just "got into the zone" with his work, so we didn't go to bed early, as planned. Instead I trimmed my pubic hair - something I'd been meaning to do for ages. Then went and had a shower and Sean joined me when he was finished (he also went for a walk cos he didn't feel good). Shaved pubic hair off completely. It feels lovely now, and I feel so much better about Sean going down on me. I can just lie back and let him get on with it... Didn't get to bed until 11pm and then Sean and I had some fun, he just couldn't turn down my freashly shaved pussy, now, could he? Went to sleep somewhere around 1 I think, and no worried thoughts :)

Woke at around 9:30 am and lazed around for a bit. Read to Sean. Still loving that morning time. Really need to savour it while I still can. We finally got up at 11ish. Did a quick routiene on the computer, well, it felt quick but it wasn't really. Lunch wasn't until 3 (yikes!) and then after that... well, it seems I must've wasted most of the day again. But I'm feeling really good. Ahh, we watched a really long TV programme over lunch, about the book of revalations in the Bible. Tony Robinson presented it and it ended really well. After that I suggested to Sean that I might like some head (following the experience I had last night) and he let me have it. In the end we 69'd for a while until I came and then he let me have him in me without a condom. Fantastic! Right near the end was the best, orgasm after orgasm without much of a pause inbetween. I wasn't sorry when he came, though; in my mouth, may I add. I was exhusted. Had to do dinner straight after that 'cos it was already 6. I don't think I'll be doing burgers again. They smoke the oven out. Feeling loads better today - our talk yesterday must've cleared the air. Sean agrees.

  • Really, really, must tidy house (or at least downstairs) for the BBQ
  • Up by half 9 at the latest to meet Sally and Mark and maybe even start tidying before they come.


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