Monday, September 25, 2006

25/09/06 - aftermath

I woke at 7:20am today to try to see Sally and Mark out, they had a very early travel arrangement. I was awake, and was actually able to hold a coherrent conversation. I was very impressed.

I had planned on staying awake but I was tempted back to bed to carry on reading my latest James Herbert thriller. And within an hour I was back asleep. Sean informs me that I was even snoring loudly!

I woke with a start at what I thought was 10am to the doorbell. It was my grandparents, they'd come round as previously arranged, to drop off some merchandise for us to sell on E-Bay. I had completely forgotten that they had come, and learned from my Gran that it was actually 11am and I had told them that I'd be up by then. I was very embarassed by the state of the house from the party the night before, but they didn't mind and even grabbed a bin-liner to tidy up the rubbish while I went and got dressed. We went through the merchandise and I liked what I saw. They left around 12:30 and then I set to work making a lunch out of left over salad from yesterday.

Sean insisted that we spend a while tidying at least the downstairs after lunch. A part of me just wanted to catalogue all the merchandise, I get all excited by the thought of organising things and doing paperwork. I don't know why. Apparently Virgos are supposed to be tidy perfectionists. While I can't say I'm generally a tidy person, I do have a love of organisation. I just need to apply that love to the general upkeep of the house too...

Anyway, I resisted the temptation, and the downstairs did get a good clean. So did the office. I even did some laundry. By then it was already quarter to 7 in the evening, and I had just enough time to set myself up an area in the office to start cataloging tomorrow. There's a part of me that actually can't wait to do it! Madness, I tell you.

I cooked dinner from half seven to half 8 and we sat down to watch Invasion while eating. That's a long TV program, so it took up all the time until half 9. Sean wanted to be in bed for 10 (It's just gone past) but we want to answer The Weekender question first.

  • Another load of washing would be nice
  • So would be hovering. (By nice, I mean nice for the household, not for me)
  • Then I can start sorting through the merchandise. Yey!
  • Continue the birthday story on S&M Blog
The week:
  • Other posts to write and save in drafts (publish when needed):
    • The long, loving sex after the scene.
    • The spank me lots sex after the love making sex.
    • The developments in my fantasy about J
  • Really do need to look up how I'm supposed to be writing this diary


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